uncle stumbles

everyone's favorite uncle


“Uncle Stumbles” is the self-titled debut album from the local Eugene area quartet. The band locked themselves in a basement for several months while recording. Mixed and mastered in beautiful New Jersey, the album focuses on the band’s ability to play in odd time signatures and varied musical styles. Songs include the crowd pleasers “Bowling Pin” and “The Mullet”, the roots Americana of “Keep Walkin”,  and the pseudo-psychedelic “PeaNut”. The lone instrumental, “The 13” chugs along between 13/8, 6/8 and 5/8 time signatures while the alternating 7/8 and 5/4 breaks of “4 Way Stop” add to the imagery created in the song’s many layers. The album is currently available at cdbaby.com, itunes and amazon.com

“The album starts off with a hypnotically meandering guitar riff that feels like a jaunty walk on a summer day. Then Anthony Forcellini’s lyrics kick in and suddenly the jaunty walk becomes a confused journey through post-relationship turmoil, but without losing the hopeful spring in its step. Much of Uncle Stumbles’ music contains this quality — that “life’s a bitch, but what are you going to do?” light-heartedness that borrows heavily from the American working-song tradition.”-Eugene Weekly

samples from the album:






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